Friday, February 24, 2006

The Mid-terms

Class, Karl Rove is a Genious

At first glance the Dubi World Port's Deal looks as if the Bush Admin.......while making the right decision failed to reconize how congress would react. Thats at first glance...........congress..........who has the votes to overide Bush's Veto......has bush in a pickle. The truth is Rove and the White House knew exactly what they were doing in stiring this hornets nest.........Rove today said the Admin had no problem allowing Congress to delay the deal for a week or two to investigate what is already a good deal..........this will allow GOP congressmen to cast off the "rubber stamp for bush" lable and inturn win the midterms beacuse these hearning show thier John McCain side just enough to destroy the Dems only chance of defeating them..........Bush's Poll Numbers. This is where Rove looks back to the "Bad Boy" himself, Lee Atwater. In a move right out of Lee's Playbook the GOP steal the dems only issue by pinning any blame on a Second Term President with a legacy intact who's name will never again apear on a ballot.

More to come let your mind catch up.................


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